Category: Over 50 Women

12 Health Benefits From Taking a Stroll Outside

walking outside 12 health benefits from taking a stroll outside

Break free from the confines of your office and spend 30 minutes each day outside! You’ll be surprised at how good a quick stint in nature will make you feel.

Who are my ideal clients?

ideal clients smoother health

My clients have a number of health issues, not just some added belly fat they are trying to get rid of. Health problems are a sign of insulin resistance going on inside – and that’s what we tackle with my Meaty Low Carb programs!

I Could Care Less About Your Skinny Jeans

Coach Cherie Γ“ in front of Mt. Hood saying I could care less about your skinny jeans.

“I beg them to realize that it is a silent big red flashing light. 🚨 Red alert! Red alert! Things are malfunctioning inside!”