Category: Online Program

What’s the Deal with Menopausal Belly Fat?

What’s the Deal with Menopausal Belly Fat?

Where does that dreaded belly fat come from for us women over 50? Coach Cherie Γ“ explains how hormones and lifestyle can pack on the pounds.

Feel Full of Gratitude With 3 New Things

3 new things

One of the practices I have all of my clients do is to write down 3 new things before bed that they are grateful for. Sounds like an easy task until you try it. The hard part is the word β€œnew.” After a few… Continue Reading “Feel Full of Gratitude With 3 New Things”

Even Super-Women Need Self-Care

Super-woman at Smoother Health Coaching

We are super-women, able to get it all done in record time with our signature flair. But we need healthy, strong bodies to keep that S on our chests.